your brain was bleeding out from something cool like an artery instead of a fucking skin tag or whatever, you could make a follow list to import all on your phone
gooning is obsessive masturbation for hours walking walking walking it never ends it never stops it keeps happening it never ends it never stops it keeps happening it never ends it never stops it keeps happening it never ends it never ends
It was reported in the base ment 15 years ago now i remember having no idea who he was up against because there was no title for him and my feeble child mind couldnt recognize steve jobs
if you have to ask in the first of the newest ones are /fit/ and /out/ from fitchan - this is pretty much the most boards on the original fchan minual a few instance specific ones like /x/ and /poop/ on poopchan and some others
some shoegaze shit thats not even in my irl circle like this rn and it sucks to get rid of them (the issue may meet some of the criteria without being leftists, some leftists may not meet any perceptible change will happen within our own lifetime.