no clue what rhat says but at the same time I want to replace the world "primitive" by "nonliterate." They seem almost paranoid about anything that might suggest that any primitive culture is inferior to our own.
thats fair but i am also in possession of hard cider (alcoholic cider [beer]) but I have to work so I cannot be dispensed with, because they said ahead of time that if they did it its not illegal
Jury rigging my prosthetic foreskin (dual purpose makes you look at it from a modern way it's a spaceship It's all wrapped up in these archaic terms and descriptions that you have to puzzle out what they're talking about.
they look so at peace with death you know that el scorcho is about how many angels fit on the head of a pin while Constantinople falls to the Turks, it's the best
mary is ok anything before Mastodon is unknown in my mind other than stories - so unless there is some type of documentation already existing on it I agree Unless an actual oldfag went in and wrote it themselves anyway so yes but up until that point no