Hello, gentlemen.
I see that there is a lot of hardship in the Incel community. Worry not. I have a solution.
I call it The Core Formula.
The Core Formula is a method that allows a man to know EXACTLY what to do when he approaches a woman. Get ready. Put on your seatbelt. I'm about to blow your minds.
All you need to establish is two things when you approach a woman with romantic intent at heart:
1. You need to show that you're capable of handling the hardships of the world. Do this by making a witty joke or two that's relevant to the situation (you can joke about the weather if it's raining, or about how fashionable she is, if she's wearing a dress). This makes you seem confident, even if you're terrified. She doesn't know what she can't see.
2. You need to show that you are trustworthy. Do this by engaging in a little bit of get-to-know-you conversation. (Talk about if she's from here originally, what she works as, etc......)
You just set up a date.
For more zesty w-rizz dating advice that will turn you into an absolute CHAD: